Z ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB 木頭工人 2018-07-19 33 6 2021-02-15 #1 我試過用worldguard插件結果一設定就只能所有物品都可以/無法撿起,沒法指定類型,數據包可不可以指定類型?
C coolkaons 木頭工人 2023-12-16 1 1 2023-12-16 #3 cannot do that, or you can use barrier blocks to create a special box
香港願望城伺服器 木頭工人 2023-08-24 24 1 2024-07-19 #4 datapack can , dm me for make a datapack discord.gg/wishtownmchk
K KotlinEnjoyer 木頭工人 2022-04-20 2 1 2024-07-19 #5 香港願望城伺服器 說: datapack can , dm me for make a datapack discord.gg/wishtownmchk 點選展開... This is almost 5 years ago, you aren’t suppose to reply to it
香港願望城伺服器 說: datapack can , dm me for make a datapack discord.gg/wishtownmchk 點選展開... This is almost 5 years ago, you aren’t suppose to reply to it
Z ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB 木頭工人 2018-07-19 33 6 2024-07-21 #6 KotlinEnjoyer 說: This is almost 5 years ago, you aren’t suppose to reply to it 點選展開... 然而我還是能通過電郵接收到消息。
KotlinEnjoyer 說: This is almost 5 years ago, you aren’t suppose to reply to it 點選展開... 然而我還是能通過電郵接收到消息。